
Maîtres de Conférences des Universités en Neurosciences

Institut d'Ingénierie de la Santé (2IS) Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) UFR de Médecine 3 rue des Louvels 80036 Amiens Cedex - France

Education and Training
2019           Accreditation to supervise research (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, HDR), University of  Picardie-Jules Verne (UPJV), Amiens, France.
2011-2012  Postdoctoral Associate, NIRS Brain Imaging Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
2010-2011  Postdoctoral Associate, Biomedical Functional Imaging and Neuroengineering Laboratory, University of Minnesota, MN, USA.
2008-2009  Postdoctoral Associate, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, University of Manitoba, MB, Canada.
2007-2008  Biomedical Research Engineer, GRAMFC Laboratory, University of  Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens, France.
2007           PhD in Neuroscience, University of  Picardie-Jules Verne (UPJV), Amiens, France.
1999           M.Sc. in Biomedical (Bioelectrical) Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran.
1995           B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran.
Research interests
Neuroimaging, Functional connectivity, Structural connectivity, EEG, fNIRS, fMRI, DTI, Analysis and modeling of brain dynamics in adults and children.

Clinical interests
Epilepsy, Stroke, Neurodegenerative diseases, Attention deficit hyperactivity disroder.
Selected Publications
•   Aarabi A, Huppert TJ, Assessment of the effect of data length on the reliability of resting-state fNIRS connectivity measures and graph metrics, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 54, 101612.
•   Ghimatgar H, Kazemi K, Helfroush MS, Aarabi A, 2019, An automatic single-channel EEG-based sleep stage scoring method based on hidden Markov model, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
•   Ghimatgar H, Kazemi K, Helfroush MS, Aarabi A, 2018, An improved feature selection algorithm based on graph clustering and ant colony optimization, Knowledge-Based Systems 159, 270-285
•   Aarabi,  A.,  Osharina  V.,  Wallois  F.,  Effect  of  confounding  variables  on  hemodynamic  response function  estimation  using  averaging  and  deconvolution  analysis:  An  event-related  NIRS  study, Neuroimage, 2017.
•   Aarabi  A,  He  B,  seizure  prediction  in  patients  with  focal  hippocampal  epilepsy,  Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017.
•   Osharina  V,  Aarabi  A,  Manoochehri  M,  Mahmoudzadeh  M,  Wallois  F.  Hemodynamic  Changes Associated with Interictal Spikes Induced by Acute Models of Focal Epilepsy in Rats: A Simultaneous Electrocorticography and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Brain topography. 2017.
•   Adebimpe A, A Aarabi, E Bourel, M Mahmoudzadeh, F Wallois, brain network analysis of EEG functional  connectivity  in  patients  with  benign  childhood  epilepsy  with  centro-temporal  spikes, Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (3), e60, 2015.
•   Azizollahi H, Aarabi A, Wallois F. Effects of uncertainty in head tissue conductivity and complexity on EEG forward modeling in neonates. Human brain mapping. 2016;37:3604-22.
•   Aarabi A, Huppert T, Characterization of the relative contributions from systemic physiological noise to  functional  Near-infrared  Spectroscopy  (fNIRS)  using  single-channel  independent  component analysis, Neurophotonics 2016.
•   Adebimpe  A,  Aarabi  A,  Bourel-Ponchel  E,  Mahmoudzadeh  M,  Wallois  F.  Functional  Brain Dysfunction in Patients with Benign Childhood Epilepsy as Revealed by Graph Theory. PloS one. 2015;10:e0139228.
•   Aarabi A, He B, 2014. Seizure prediction in hippocampal and neocortical epilepsy using a model-based approach. Clin Neurophysiol. 125(5):930-40
•   Aarabi A, He B, 2012. A rule-based seizure prediction method for focal neocortical epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol 123, 1111-1122.
•   Aarabi A, Kazemi K, Grebe R, Moghaddam HA, Wallois F, 2009. Detection of EEG transients in neonates and older children using a system based on dynamic time-warping template matching and spatial dipole clustering. Neuroimage 48, 50-62.
•   Aarabi A, Fazel-Rezai R, Aghakhani Y .  A fuzzy rule-based system for epileptic seizure detection in intracranial EEG. Clin Neurophysiol. 2009 120(9):1648-57.
•   Aarabi A, Wallois F, Grebe R, 2008. Does spatiotemporal synchronization of EEG change prior to absence seizures? Brain Res 1188, 207-221.
•   Aarabi A, Grebe R, Wallois F, 2007. A multistage knowledge-based system for EEG seizure detection in newborn infants. Clin Neurophysiol 118, 2781-2797.