Professeur of Neurology
Chief of NeurologyAmiens University Hospital
CHU Amiens site Sud St Vincent de Paul
80054 Amiens Cedex
Tél: (+33) (0)3 22 66 79 88
Fax: (+33) (0)3 22 66 82 44
DirectorLaboratory of Functional Neurosciences and Pathologies (EA4559)
University Research Center (CURS)
Rue René Laennec - 80054 Amiens Cedex 1
Tel: +33 (0)3 22 82 54 45
MD (Lille University, 1990)
Qualification in Neurology (DES) (Lille University, 1990)
Master (Lyon I University, 1991)
PhD thesis 1 (Dir Pr M. Jeannerod; Lyon I University, 1996)
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches’; (Lille University, 1997)
Full time professor of Neurology Jules Verne University of Picardy (since 2000)
Head of the department of Neurology of the University Hospital of Amiens (since 2002)
Director (since 2015; co-director since 2002) of the laboratory of Functional Neurosciences (EA 4559)
President of the French Speaking Society of Neuropsychology (2010-14)
Teaching courses in University of Picardy, Paris5, Lyon2, Lille2
University certificationCreation and co-direction of 2 University certification (Lille and Picardy Universities)
Coordination of modules of 2 Inter-University certification (‘DIU NeuroVasculaire’ Pr JL Mas, Paris University; DIU ‘Maladie d’Alzheimer et apparentées, Pr F Pasquier, Lille University)
Master in cognitive neurosciences French national master and Amiens Universities
Participation to international teaching activities
Coordination of courses for the European Academy of Neurology (eBrain website);
Scientific Panels ‘Higher cortical Functions’ of European Academy of Neurology; ‘Spring School’ conference of the European Academy of Neurology; under the auspice of the French Society of Neurology, initiation of teaching courses with universities of Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo and Benin; guidelines on vascular cognitive impairment with the European Stroke Organization.
Teaching publicationsEditor of 4 books
Behavioral and cognitive neurology of stroke’; Cambridge University Press 2° Ed, 2013;
Fonctions exécutives et pathologies neurologiques et psychiatriques.’; Albin Michel Université, 2008; Roussel M, Godefroy O et le GRECOGVASC. La batterie GRECOGVASC. Albin Michel Université; 2016; Godefroy O, Roussel M, de Boissezon X. Troubles neurocognitifs vasculaires et post-AVC . Albin Michel Université, 2017
Author and co-author of 68 book chapters and papers non-referenced in Medline
Member of 8 scientific societies
Associate editor of 6 scientific journals
Referee and expert for 41 (37 international) neurological, neuroscience and medicine journals, and for 15 research evaluation-funding organizations including 9 abroad research evaluation-funding organizations
Organization and co-organization of 10 international scientific meetings/sessions in the domain of neuropsychology/cognitive neurology
Coordination of 4 multicenter research protocols with local (GREFEX1; GRECogVASC [NCT01339195]; GREFEX2 [NCT03052712], IDEA3 [NCT02813434], REFLEX study)
Scientific collaborations with 32 international and 22 national research teams
Scientific publications
Author and co-author of papers referenced in
GoogleScholarAuthor and co-author of batteries of tests (GREFEX, BETL, GRECogVASC) and patented Software (AMIENSCOG®)